New Patrons Join Team Forward Assist

Delighted to report that both Her Grace, the Duchess of Northumberland and Sir Alan Campbell MP have agreed to become Patrons for multi-award winning Forward Assist .

We are absolutely delighted and deeply honoured The Duchess of Northumberland and Sir Alan Campbell MP have both chosen to become Patrons of Forward Assist. The Duchess and Sir Alan Campbell MP both share our passion for ensuring military veterans and their families are given all the support they need when making the transition from military service to civilian life.

Tony Wright CEO Forward Assist said;

“As we move into 2019 and beyond the need to develop bespoke ‘needs led’ professional services for military veterans with multiple-complex needs will become more apparent. Having her Grace The Duchess of Northumberland & Sir Alan Campbell on board as Patrons will help raise the profile of the charity and we look forward to sharing our successes with them both over the course of the coming year”