UK Office for Veterans Affairs moves to Ministry of Defence. What Does That Mean for Military Sexual Trauma Survivors?

In my opinion, moving the UK Office for Veterans Affairs from the Government to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defence (MoD) poses several significant concerns for military sexual trauma (MST) survivors, simply because, the MoD's primary mission is defence and military readiness, which can lead to conflicts of interest when addressing sensitive issues like MST. Survivors may fear that their cases will not be handled impartially if the same department responsible for their trauma is also responsible for their care and support.

MST survivors may have a deep mistrust of the military system due to their experiences. Placing their support services under the MoD could deter them from seeking help, fearing retribution or lack of empathy from a system they perceive as having failed them. Survivors might worry about the confidentiality of their cases within the MoD, fearing that reporting incidents could affect their military careers or lead to further victimisation.

The Government Office for Veterans Affairs, when it was a separate entity, might have been able to provide a safer and more confidential environment for reporting and support. Similarly, Civilian-led veteran affairs offices are more likely to offer specialised services tailored to MST survivors, including mental health support, legal assistance, and advocacy. I would argue that currently, the MoD lack the specific expertise and resources to address these needs adequately. An independent Government Office for Veterans Affairs could have offered more robust oversight and accountability for handling MST cases.

This independence is crucial for ensuring that complaints are taken seriously and investigated thoroughly without internal military biases. The UK Office for Veterans Affairs had the capability to adopt a holistic approach to veteran care, integrating MST support with other services such as housing, employment, and healthcare. The MoD's focus on military operations might limit its ability to provide such comprehensive care. AS a Social Worker with 40 years experience I highlight the potential negative impacts on MST survivors now that the Office for Veterans Affairs has moved under the jurisdiction of the MoD.

Ensuring that survivors have access to independent, empathetic, and specialised support remains my raison d'etre, as it is crucial for military sexual trauma survivors, long term recovery and well-being.

Tony Wright CEO Forward Assist