Women in The Military
Forward Assist has always recognised that women veterans are a hidden, marginalised and frequently ignored and forgotten population in the UK. After over ten years of offering bespoke services to women veterans we were delighted to launch Salute Her UK as a stand alone registered charity in September 2021.
Salute Her UK aims to ensure that all ‘Women Veterans’ have a choice in both service design and delivery. Team Salute Her UK is the only UK ‘gender specific’ support service, to offer tri-service, trauma informed, mental health therapy and interventions for survivors of in-service sexual abuse. They also provide needs led wrap around holistic care to women service personnel and veterans in a single sex environment. We know from research in the USA that multiple traumas contribute to suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, or death by suicide in women veterans:
Women Veterans experience significantly higher rates of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) compared to civilians
Thirty-eight percent of women Veterans report military sexual trauma (MST)
Thirty-three percent of women Veterans experience intimate partner violence (IPV) compared to 24% of non-Veteran women
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