Forward Assist is a multi-award winning charity and member of Confederation of British Service Charities (COBSEO). Forward Assist are recognised as ‘thought leaders’ in the military charity sector. In the past, we provided support, advice, guidance and advocacy. Moving forwards we will deliver a variety of projects to help veterans ‘come out of the darkness’, and seek support to reduce the negative impact of social isolation and loneliness. All our interventions aim to improve the physical and mental health of veterans.

“We try to be of service to others whenever possible, using our time , energy and resources to help create positive change”

Equality and Diversity runs like a golden thread though all our interventions. We value the unique experience every individual brings and in recognising not every individual faces the same barriers, we have adopted an intersectional approach to our work.

“When we assumed the soldier, we did not lay aside the citizen”

George Washington

Our activities are aimed at both veterans and their families. We use virtual and occasionally in-person activities to give our military veterans a sense of purpose, direction and a sense of belonging. We work with veterans of all ages and not just the post 2000 generation. We view all veterans as valuable members of the community and help others to understand why they ‘matter’. Our activities and projects were developed to ensure an inclusive inter-generational approach to supporting combat veterans. Our wellbeing framework facilitates opportunities for social reintegration and a positive pathway to civilian life.

Forward Assist is committed to providing a safe environment for its staff and does not expect them to tolerate unacceptable behaviour, including:

  • Any form of behaviour that could be considered aggressive, abusive, offensive or threatening – this could include (but is not limited to): threats; personal insults; derogatory or discriminatory remarks; rudeness; unsubstantiated allegations; publishing pictures or any other personal data of or about staff, however obtained, without the express consent of the individual; publishing audio or video recordings of staff, however obtained, without express consent of the individual; requests for irrelevant information (such as where the staff member is located); or anything that causes staff to feel afraid, threatened, or abused.

  • Behaviour that makes unreasonable demands on our staff –  This could include (but is not limited to): unreasonably making repeated phone calls, emails, or letters; repeatedly changing complaints or raising unrelated concerns (although genuine new concerns or evidence will be properly considered); persistently and unreasonably complaining about multiple or individual staff members; persistently and unreasonably refusing to accept decisions; persistently refusing to accept explanations of Forward Assist's role; continuing to pursue a matter which has been properly considered without presenting new relevant information.

  •  If the behaviour continues, we will take further action which may restrict the person’s contact with us.

Note: “Copyright @ 2022 Forward Assist UK. All rights reserved. Any unauthorised use, copying or reproduction of this material publication and content will constitute an infringement of copyright”

To use any content on this website seek permissions from Forward Assist . Content used must acknowledge original IP as Forward Assist Ltd UK
